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About ALE

The company was founded in 2021 by Damin Devlin, born and raised in Nakusp BC he completed Elementary and High School at NES and NSS. After graduation he set off to become an electrician, after working all around Alberta and BC on many different electrical projects he moved to Kelowna full time and finished his Journeyman Red Seal and FSR Master Electrician courses.


After 6 years living in Kelowna he missed the rural living and moved home to Nakusp and opened Arrow Lakes Electric Ltd with his wife Julia, he has now had 3 years of successful business and met/created so many friends while doing his job on a day to day basis. We strive to donate and help the community with sports, arts, businesses etc. as much as possible all while living a quiet happy life in the best little village in the country.

Meet the Team

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